
The 4th Medium-term Business Plan

Basic Policy

Driving Sustainable Management

Basic Strategy

Strategy I

Further Growth
in the Strategic Domains

  • Capturing steadily demand for refrigeration lubricants raw materials through the large-scale expansion and reinforcement of facilities
  • Responding to increasingly sophisticated customer needs in the electronics domain
  • Expanding the lineup in the healthcare domain

Strategy II

Medium and Long Term
Initiatives to Resolve
Social Issues

  • Accelerating efforts toward carbon neutrality
  • Creating early a new business through open innovation and M&A, etc.

Strategy III

Improvement of
Business Framework

  • Improving productivity by utilizing the latest technologies, etc., as a driving force
  • Creating a corporate culture in which diverse human resources play an active role and maximize results
  • Strengthening of governance to enhance management transparency

Numerical Management Targets

Accumulated consolidated operating income 48.6 bn yen
Accumulated consolidated EBITDA 63.5 bn yen
Return on Equity Over 15%

Domestic naphtha: 60,000 yen/KL
Exchange rate: 113yen/USD

Note: EBITDA = Operating income + Depreciation + Amortization of goodwill

Changes in Management Numerical Targets for Period Aggregate Consolidated Operating Income and Period Aggregate Consolidated EBITDA from the 2nd to the 4th Mid-Term Management Plan