
Chiba Plant

Environmental Policy

The Chiba Plant actively undertakes environmental management activities under the following policies.

  1. From the development and planning stages of products, we will consider the effect to the environment from all processes, including raw materials reception, manufacture, shipment, and disposal, and we will continuously attempt to maintain and improve the environment.
  2. We will comply with all laws and agreements concerning the environmental aspect and work to prevent environmental pollution.
  3. In order to achieve our environmental policy, we shall set environmental targets, and further review by doing the PDCA cycle, and we will continue to operate the environmental management system by participation by all employees.
  4. We will promote resource and energy saving activities and plan for the reduction and reuse of waste.
  5. We will consider the use of sustainable resources and response to global warming for environmental protection activities.
  6. We will perform in-house environmental inspections and use self-management to work towards maintaining and improving the environmental management system.
  7. We will strive for safe and good environmental presevation of local people while communicating with local residents, neighboring companies and related government.
  8. We will document regulations and standards necessary for these activities, and we will try to thoroughly inform all employees.
  9. We publicly disclose our environmental policy to employees and workers working for the factory, as well as to the general public.

January 1, 2022
Akio Nakahashi
General Manager
Chiba Plant, KH Neochem Co., Ltd.

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Safety Management Policy

The Chiba Plant actively undertakes security management activities under the following policies.

  1. We work towards the prevention of accidents by identifying hazards that may affect safety through our business activities while we attempt to continuously improve the safety management system.
  2. We shall publicize the safety management policies amongst employees and other related personnel.
  3. In order to achieve our safety management policies, we shall set safety management goals, and we shall make these goals known to all employees and other related personnel while attempting to continuously apply the safety management system in order to cultivate an environment where we promote our safety activities. Furthermore, we will regularly review the safety goals and work towards maintaining and improving safety.
  4. We will unfailingly comply with all decisions based on compliance with all safety standards and laws or regulations regarding safety, and we shall work towards the prevention of accidents and disasters.
  5. Our safety management policies shall be openly disclosed.

January 1, 2022
Akio Nakahashi
General Manager
Chiba Plant, KH Neochem Co., Ltd.

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