
Logistics Safety, Chemical and Product Safety

Yellow Cards

For preparedness in the event of an accident while transporting KH Neochem products, we have created yellow cards that set out the measures to take in case of an emergency, who to contact, and so on. We guide logistics partners that these cards are always carried by the drivers of tanker trucks or other vehicles during transportation.

Yellow card (front, in Japanese)

Chemical Substance Management

KH Neochem gives first priority to providing correct information so that our products can be used safely, and the Company is taking measures to put this into practice. Inside Japan, we create SDS*1 and labels displaying risk and hazard information and safety measures according to JIS standards, which are GHS*2 compliant. In other countries, we implement measures as necessary in accordance with that particular country's GHS system.

*1 SDS: Safety Data Sheet

*2 GHS: Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals

Container Labels

We affix labels to our product containers as cautionary notices to people who handle KH Neochem products.
For products exported to other countries, we provide information and other support of every kind to the local importers who are responsible for affixing container labels.

Container labels (KH Neochem Americas Version)

Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

At KH Neochem, we create a safety data sheet (SDS) for all products that we guarantee the quality of, and we provide these sheets to customers and distributors. For export products, we prepare and provide an SDS using the official language of the country in line with the legal framework of the exporting country.

SDS (general-purpose English-language version)