
Risk Management

KH Neochem's initiatives

Risk Management Activities and System

KH Neochem defines risk as the uncertainties that affect management and business activities. To achieve sustainable growth, we identify risks to the greatest extent possible, prevent latent risks from materializing, and manage active risks with organizational, strategic, and continuous controls. To promote effective risk management, a Risk Management Committee has been established, chaired by the CFO, who is responsible for overall risk management, with all division heads as members. In principle, this committee meets twice a year and reports its discussions to the Sustainability Committee as well as to the Board of Directors on important matters.

Risk Evaluation Process and Material Risk Selection

In our risk evaluation process, we identify both internal and external risks in light of social and environmental circumstances, and produce a risk map for the entire company that evaluates their impact and probability of occurrence. Among the identified risks, those with a particularly high impact on our management and business activities, and which require Company-wide measures, are designated as material risks. A risk owner is assigned for each material risk, along with a supervising division and relevant divisions responsible for formulating and implementing countermeasure plans, ensuring proactive efforts to mitigate these risks. Additionally, the Risk Management Committee reviews the assessment of materials risks and reports on the progress of countermeasures, while conducting discussions among its members.

Material Risks and their Countermeasures

Category Examples Countermeasures

❶ Compliance

Law violations, legal restraints
  • Establishment of a compliance code & education of all executives and employees
  • Legal compliance status checks and other verifications of relevant regulations

❷ Production activities

Damage/malfunction of facilities/machinery, work-related accidents
  • Development of maintenance plans according to equipment importance
  • Implementation of Comprehensive Safety Check Initiative 2022

❸ HR

Personnel shortages, delayed training of core human resources
  • Reinforcement of hiring activities and systems, holding personnel meetings
  • Formulation of skill enhancement programs and training systems for core human resources

❹ Business continuity

Major earthquakes and natural disasters Problems procuring certain supplies and raw materials
  • Formulation of a business continuity plan (BCP) and conduction of regular exercises
  • Identification of supply risks for critical raw and auxiliary materials, facilities, and supplies; and formulation of risk countermeasures

❺ Cyber Security

  • Strengthen residual risk reduction based on external security assessments
  • Technical and operational measures and updates, and education for all executives and employees

❻ Climate change

Abnormal weather, imposition of carbon tax View KH Neochem's climate change-related risks and opportunities

Business Continuity Management (BCM)

The Company manufactures and supplies essential products for production activities across a wide range of industries and to provide richer lives for people. For that reason, we believe that we have an important responsibility to maintain and continue our business activities and achieve an early recovery in the event of a large-scale disaster. To this end, we have established a business continuity plan (BCP) at our Headquarters and each plant. Additionally, we conduct annual drills to verify the effectiveness of our BCP. In 2023, we conducted our first role-playing drill, simulating a major earthquake directly beneath the Tokyo metropolitan area, affecting both our Headquarters and Chiba Plant simultaneously, and are advancing discussions and countermeasures based on the challenges identified. Moving forward, we will continue to enhance the effectiveness of our business continuity management (BCM) through BCP training and other initiatives.

Climate-Related Disclosures Based on TCFD Recommendations

The business environment surrounding KH Neochem is growing increasingly uncertain as cases of heat stroke and natural disasters rise due to climate change, and voices calling for decarbonization and carbon neutrality grow louder and more numerous. In January 2022, we declared our endorsement of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Recommendations and have disclosed climate-related information ever since.

Governance and Risk Management

We identify material risks according to the risk evaluation process for selecting Material Risks as mentioned previously.The risks arising from climate change have been identified as material risks to our business due to the significant impact they are expected to have on KH Neochem in the future. In addition, we are taking measures to prevent risks from materializing and reduce their impact by continuously conducting risk assessments based on our risk management system and monitoring them at board meetings when necessary.


We identify risks and opportunities related to climate change and analyzes scenarios based on warming of 4℃ and 1.5℃ respectively, to assess the impact of future risks and opportunities heading toward 2030. By engaging in the Seven Promises and driving Sustainable Management, we seek to expand the climate change-related opportunities while mitigating the risks, thereby increasing our corporate value.


*1 See the RCP 8.5 scenario of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

*2 See the NZE2050 scenario of the International Energy Agency (IEA).

KH Neochem's climate change-related risks and opportunities

We have listed items that have a significant risk or opportunity impact on the Company.

Category Risks/Opportunities Key Countermeasures
Physical risks
(4℃ warming scenario)
Impact on operations due to abnormal weather There is a risk of an increasing impact on operations from increasingly frequent abnormal weather events resulting from climate change, such as high tides, heavy rain, floods, and typhoons.
  • Conducting drills to increase understanding and improve effectiveness of BCM/BCPs
Transition risks
(1.5℃ warming scenario)
Introduction of carbon pricing There is a risk of an increasing financial burden from the introduction of carbon taxes and other carbon pricing.Assuming CO2 emissions on the same level as 2023 (approx. 378 kt) and a carbon tax of 130 USD/1t-CO2 in 2030 (1 USD = 140 yen), the financial burden could increase by 6.88 bn yen per year.
  • Promoting energy-saving and the introduction of new technologies to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050
  • Achieving the target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2030 (compared to 2017)
  • Using CO2 as raw material for products
  • Introduction of internal carbon pricing (10,000 yen/t-CO2)
  • Introduction of renewable energy electricity
Problems procuring certain raw materials There is a risk to the procurement of raw materials from oil refineries as oil refiners reduce the number of refineries in response to decarbonization trends.
  • Promoting purchasing from multiple suppliers
Impact of switching to raw materials obtained from biomass There is a risk of quality problems and increased procurement costs due to switching from oil-based to biomass-based raw materials.
  • Maintaining and improving quality assurance
Delayed response to ESG investment There is a risk of divestments and falling share prices due to increasing criticism received for using large quantities of fossil fuels.
  • Promoting energy-saving and the introduction of new technologies to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050
  • Achieving the target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2030 (compared to 2017)
(4℃ warming scenario)
Increased need for adaptive products There is a possibility that the increasingly negative effects of climate change will cause rising demand for products that can mitigate those effects (such as heat stroke) and help people adapt to climate change.
  • Supplying more refrigeration lubricant raw materials, which are indispensable for heat stroke-preventing air conditioners
(1.5℃ warming scenario)
Increased need for decarbonizing products As people become increasingly environmentally conscious, there is a possibility of rising demand for products with a smaller carbon footprint.
  • As the transition toward environmentally friendly air conditioners accelerates across the world, expanding the provision of refrigeration lubricant raw materials compatible with the refrigerants used in such air conditioners
  • Using CO2 as raw material for products